4 Steps to a Better You “We can always choose to perceive things differently. You can focus on what’s wrong in your life or you can focus on what’s right” – Marianne Williamson (and that can make all the difference!) I have done all the things I am about to share. I believe many of these unhealthy habits led to my getting sick. Can you relate to any of them? Overcoming addiction 1.I have an addiction to TV (especially when I’m stressed). I can watch for hours and tune everything else out. (Interestingly the average American watches 5 hours of TV a day, so I guess I’m not alone). The problem was that I was not getting my work done. Heading to bed late and waking up early only made me more tired and frustrated (leading me to watch more episodes of Friends or the latest Netflix series). My feelings of guilt over not writing my book (on the benefits of laughter) because I was too busy engrossed in a TV show, did not help. What I did to overcome this ...