How to Look Younger (Part 3 of 3)
How to Look Younger (Part 3 of 3) Natural Products to keep you looking younger *When applied topically remember to place on face, neck, back of hands and forearms Getting some sunshine is important but be mindful if you burn or are sensitive to the sun. Too much sun can age the skin. 1.Vitamin C (serum can make you photosensitive so use at night, can also use oral form Ester C) 2.Hyaluronic acid (topically) 3.Retin A (topically, can make you photosensitive so use at night) 4.Resveratrol 5.Colostrum 6.Fish oil 7.Vitamin D (Recommend check levels of Vitamin D 25-OH. Optimal levels:70-100) *For many of my patients who scored below 50 they’re taking anywhere from 5,000 -10,000 iu/Vitamin D3 + Vitamin K2 (to help with absorption). Vitamin D3 get absorbed through multiple pathways including the gut and kidneys. So those who have gut issues (i.e., b...