
Showing posts from July, 2022

Fighting Stress

  Fighting Stress   What’s worse than feeling out of control, feeling like life is happening TO YOU, rather than FOR YOU? Stress is prevalent and it can be debilitating, making you feel depressed, anxious, frustrated, overwhelmed and angry, due to circumstances you feel are beyond your control. In this blog, I will define stress, why we all have it and what you can do to manage it better. What is Stress? It’s your body’s response to physical or emotional circumstances, that causes chemical changes to occur in the body. All humans experience this and it’s perfectly normal. Its main purpose is to keep YOU safe. That’s why in dangerous situations your heart races and blood pressure increases, so you have MORE blood flow. Blood sugars rise and adrenaline is pumping to give YOU Energy and help YOU Focus on the task at hand. Short periods of stress can aid in survival towards an unexpected threat and drive YOU to do great feats .   However, when you experience...

5 Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Eye Muscles

  5 Simple Steps to Improve Your Vision     Meet Lori, she is 74. She needed glasses since she was eight years old.   “Since I've been practicing Dr. Gold’s eye exercises, I rarely use my glasses.”   Good eyesight is needed to do many important things including driving and enjoying a beautiful sunset. Our eyes are one of the five major sense organs. In the United States, 64% of the adult population use prescriptive eye wear. [1]   Unfortunately, for many their vision is declining earlier than ever. According to Dr. David Eppley, a clinical spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology when gen xers were young in the 1970s only about 20% of children in the United States needed glasses. Now that number is closer to forty percent. [2] What's the problem? Screen time. Over five billion people use a mobile device and look at their screens on average for seven hours each day, whether that's ...

The Key Step to Overcoming Failure

The Key Step to Overcoming Failure Have you ever quit on yourself? Told yourself you were going to do something and didn’t follow through? We probably all have at one time or another. I know I have. The important part of this is not to beat yourself up, but to have an effective plan to get you back on track.  Here’s a key strategy to help. It’s called the “If… then… statement.”  These statements help you get ready for whatever happens.  Things will inevitably pop up, but with these statements, you will be better prepared for the unexpected. For example, “If I eat one unhealthy meal, then I will make sure it’s NOT two.” “If I miss one Krav workout, then I will make sure it’s NOT two."  "If I am out of town, then I will make sure to practice or attend class virtually.” "If I forget my computer at work that has my Wellness Wednesday saved on it (like I did today), then I will remain calm and write another one (like I am doing now)! Honestly, I wan...

What YOU should know about Energy Drinks

  What YOU should know about Energy Drinks   Forty-two percent of Americans aged 30-49 use energy drinks, including a third of teens and young adults, on a regular basis. [1] I get it. You’re tired and you want a pick me up. Today I will explain the dangers of these drinks along with some healthier options. Why I got interested in this topic I have seen people drinking them at the dojo, and one of the moms told me her son wants to drink them now, because he has seen others doing it. What are the dangers? 1.Caffeine: The amount of caffeine in an energy drink can vary from 70-500mg and there’s no requirement to declare the amount of caffeine on labels. [2] Many people drink several of these a day. A typical can of cola contains 35mg of caffeine and an 8oz cup of coffee contains 100mg. 2.Sugar: Some of these drinks contain exorbitant amounts of sugar. The Mega Monster energy drink for example contains 81mg of sugar in one 24oz can and some people drink more...