How to Build a Strong Immune System (Part 1)
scared!” About what? There’s so many illnesses and diseases out there. That’s
true, but remember YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM is there to PROTECT YOU.
When you
think of any bad bugs out there, for you to get sick, it must first get into
your body. It’s harder to penetrate if your defenses are strong. Think about
your immune system as the military or Krav.
The first
line of defense is like foot soldiers that can attack immediately (and kill
these invaders). The 2nd line of defense is like our elite special
forces the Seals that strategize. They are called in after being presented with
the information (about the bad bug) and this line of defense includes
antibodies (Ab) that our bodies can naturally make, when exposed to a foreign
organism (a bad bug).
Now this blog
is NOT about denying your fear of getting sick. We all get scared, and
we can all get sick, but it’s about learning how to protect yourself to GET
It is
much easier to PREVENT DISEASE than WAIT for it.
Nothing is
guaranteed, but let’s learn helpful ways to build up your immune system, so it
gets stronger, like building muscle.
“Good health is everyone’s right”
DO to PROTECT YOURSELF? (Ask these empowering questions, “Will this nourish me? Will this feed my mind and body in a
healthy way? Here’s some examples:
1.Get enough rest
(set your devices so they automatically go to nighttime mode & turn off). The night is when
your brain stores new information and gets rid of toxic waste. Nerve cells communicate
and reorganize, which supports healthy brain function. The body repairs cells,
restores energy, and releases molecules like hormones and proteins.
your body food from the earth (i.e. get healthy meals delivered if busy)
Active and Playful (Do something you enjoy like riding a bike or playing
pickleball or golf or jumping on a trampoline or rebounder). Have FUN &
include strength training (i.e. pulling a resistance band or lifting weights).
I personally love group classes for this or hire a trainer).
Stay Tune
for Part 2 – my special list of immune boosters
warmest wishes, Dr. Tanya Gold
Dr. Gold is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute since 2016. She is a board-certified family medicine and holistic medical doctor and teaches yoga and laughter yoga. Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years.
mission is to teach people how to become healthier, happier, and stronger.
1. Woman owned
2. Providing compassionate care
3. Patient focus – Dr Gold spends time with
her patients, listening to their concerns and working to treat the ROOT CAUSE
of their problem(s)
4. Percentage of proceeds goes to charity
(Charities donated to so far include: Feeding America, UNICEF, The Alzheimer’s Foundation
of America, The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, the Humane Society, Big Brothers
Big Sisters, Malala Fund (working for a world where all girls can learn)
5. Environmentally conscious: Use real
cups for water, all natural cleaning products and recycle (minimal paper waste)
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