Are your cleaning products making you sick and fat?


Are your cleaning products making you sick and fat?


Obesogens are chemicals that can disrupt hormones, increase one’s risk for cancer, allergies, headaches, and fatigue, and of course lead to obesity. These chemicals get stored in the fat, and the body holds onto the fat so the chemicals don’t leach out.

Detoxifying your body, along with reducing your chemical exposure, can help one lose weight.

Obesogens are found in common everyday products, like Lysol, Clorox bleach, and Febreze.

We may not think that what we breathe in matters, but it does! I’ve had patients tell me Clorox bleach and Lysol “smell clean״. I hear you! I used to think the same thing.

Then I became highly allergic to these harsh chemicals, to the point it affected my breathing.

What is your largest organ? Correct your skin. These harsh chemicals can penetrate the skin and become toxic (especially to children and animals). If ingestion occurs Poison control should be called immediately.

Did you know the Poison control center received numerous calls during the pandemic for inhalation injuries due to excessive use of Clorox bleach and Lysol.

What to do
I know it’s hard to change (especially when you were raised with this stuff). But think of it this way, if it makes you and your family healthier, isn’t it worth it!❤️

At Krav Maga Martial Arts (in Land O’ Lakes), they are using healthier cleaning products (thank you Barbara) that are just as effective, without the harsh chemicals, because they CARE about their students and staff.

Natural cleaning solutions
I like Seventh generation Cleaning products because you can find them almost anywhere including Target and Abby’s Health and Nutrition (and they have a cleaner profile, and can still be effective against viruses). It may be a few dollars more, but keeping your family safe and healthy, I think warrants the extra cost.


Save $ with these low-cost cleaning solutions

I have used White Vinegar as a natural disinfectant. Baking soda works to clean toilets and showers just sprinkle on stains and squirt with vinegar to moisten and wipe after 30 minutes with a scouring pad or brush. If you have other suggestions, please feel free to share.

Now if you’re feeling like this is a lot, start with changing one product. You may consider the one with the most chemicals that you use often like bleach or Lysol.

I’m available for consults and can help you with a Natural cleaning solution makeover.  πŸ§½

With warmest wishes, Dr. Tanya Gold

“Good health is everyone’s right!”

“Invest in your Health, YOU’RE Worth it!”



A picture containing outdoor, plant, tree, posing

Description automatically generated Dr. Gold is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. She is a board-certified family medicine and holistic medical doctor and teaches yoga and laughter yoga. Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years. 

Become Happy, Healthy and Strong!

1.      Diagram

Description automatically generatedPatient focused – Dr. Gold is a compassionate listener and spends time with her patients (average appointment is 1 hour). Her goal is to treat the ROOT CAUSE of their problem(s) and get them well LONG TERM. Don’t take her word for it. Check out her testimonials on her website:

2.      149,446 Charity Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from DreamstimePercentage of proceeds goes to Charity (Charities that have been donated to so far include Feeding America, UNICEF, The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, the Humane Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Malala Fund (working for a world where all girls can learn)

3.      Logo, company name

Description automatically generatedEnvironmentally conscious: Use real cups for water, plates and silverware and cloth napkins, all natural cleaning products and recycles (the office minimizes paper waste).




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