Affordable Healthy Meals On The Go


 Affordable Healthy Meals On The Go

We’re back in school. You may be running around trying to make it on time. How do you feed your kids healthy meals and snacks without it costing a fortune?

Here’s some ideas that are quick, easy, and convenient.

Planning does help and it usually Saves you Time and Money!

Here’s what Drew and I do. No cook meal.

We bought a rotisserie chicken ($10 for an already cooked organic chicken at Abby’s Health and Nutrition), hummus and guacamole ($4 each at Wal-Mart) and baby carrots and mini cucumbers and celery sticks ($2-4 at Wal-Mart), and apples and oranges (I like Fuji organic apples because they’re sweet, $6 a bag).  

For more protein, we also bought hard-boiled eggs (2 for $2). 

We went shopping at Wal-Mart and kept the food in a cooler.

*Total cost $44 for several days’ worth of food. Organic, healthy, and simple.

The Plan

Chicken for dinner

Snack (before and after Krav) 2 eggs, carrots, and cucumbers with hummus and/or guacamole, and an apple and orange

Dinner-Chicken with vegetables and fruit for dessert. I also like chicken with guac and hummus.

Water to drink (no cost, I fill my water bottles for the week to save time).

*If you need flavor or an added boost, can add fruit i.e. lemon, or mint or EmergenC, or use seltzer water or coconut water.

We turn the leftovers into chicken salad and chicken soup, which can sometimes last us for the rest of the week.

Organic beans and brown rice are also a nice option at 18 cents a meal ($ 0.18).

Thanks, Lynn, for suggesting this topic!

Dr. Tanya Gold is a medical doctor and registered yoga teacher, who practices natural medicine and teaches yoga at the YMCA and online. She is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years and is an expert in the field of natural hormones and holistic medicine. 



Upcoming Events with Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute

Promo code: DGoli25 (for 25% off)


Spa Day With Dr. Gold and Erica (Multiple Dates)

Includes Massage, Gentle Stretch & Snacks

Held at Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute

2901 W Busch Blvd, Suite 604 in Twin Lakes Office Park

Tampa, FL 33618



Scan to Register at Eventbrite:



Empower YOUR Health!

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Description automatically generated Patient focused – Dr. Gold is a compassionate listener who provides affordable holistic health care. She spends time with her patients (average appointment is 1 hour). Her goal is to treat the ROOT CAUSE of their problem(s) and get them well LONG TERM. Don’t take her word for it. Check out her testimonials on her website:

2.      149,446 Charity Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime Percentage of proceeds goes to Charity (Charities that have been donated to so far include Feeding America, UNICEF, The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America, The Crisis Center of Tampa Bay, The Humane Society, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Malala Fund (working for a world where all girls can learn and The Parkinson’s Foundation.)

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Description automatically generatedEnvironmentally conscious: Use real cups for water, plates and silverware and cloth napkins, all natural cleaning products and recycles (the office minimizes paper waste).


4.      A picture containing sky, outdoor, mountain, dark

Description automatically generated Dr. Gold specializes in helping women over 40 to get stronger, healthier and happier. Often, they are busier than ever working, managing a household, being a caretaker, that their health needs get neglected. She helps them realize that to prioritize their own health, is to ensure that they can take better care of everyone else and feel so much Better!



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