What Supplements Do I need?


What Supplements Do I need?

Tis’ the season to be healthy and strong!

It can be daunting to think about what supplements to choose from, especially when there’s so many. How do you decide…friends or family? Online or book? Doctor’s recommendation?

Have you personally been checked for optimal nutrition?  If you’re interested, you can objectively test for what your body actually needs, instead of guessing. Remember, it’s not only what you eat, but what you absorb!

Genova diagnostics offers the NutrEval test, which can evaluate your body for nutrient deficiencies and for heavy metals.

For kids and adults, who don’t like needles (like me), there is the Metabolomics evaluation, which uses urine.

It costs $425 and has been covered by Tricare and Medicare and partially covered by some major insurance plans. You can also check paying for it with your health savings account (HSA) or CareCredit. If you’re interested, contact Dr. Gold at 813-379-7092 for more information.

Why do we need supplements?

Due to over planting, many soils have been depleted of dense nutrients compared with the past. As a result, the plants that grow in these mineral deficient soils, contain less amounts of essential vitamins. For example, an orange grown today would contain only 70% of the vitamin C compared with an orange from the 1950’s.[1]

Furthermore, only about 1 in 10 adults get enough fruits or vegetables per day.[2]  Fast food contains few beneficial nutrients, and a little over one-third of Americans (including children) consume fast food on any given day. That’s over 84.8 million people (yikes!)[3]

What supplements do I recommend to many of my patients?  

1.Multivitamin (helps you get essential nutrients, so the body can function optimally)

2.Fish oil (omega 3 fatty acids, good for joint pain and inflammation, which are the source for many chronic diseases)

3.Magnesium (involved in over 300 reactions in the body, helping with anxiety, calming the mind and body, and aiding in sleep. In addition, it can help lower blood pressure and reduce muscle spasms)

4.Vitamin D3 (great for boosting the immune system, improving allergies, and supporting bone health)

Check out this convenient all-in-one Wellness pack (that contains all of the above supplements, plus some other essential vitamins) for about the cost of a cup of coffee.  You are totally worth it and deserving of good energy and health.

Additional supplement packs are available for weight loss, detox, stronger immunity, and a special women’s blend.

Contact Dr. Gold to obtain your precious supplement blend 813-379-7092.

Brand Matters! High quality brands (like the Wellness pack) are third-party purity tested and are without fillers They do not contain corn syrup or dyes. Look for supplements that are USP, GMP and/or pharmaceutically graded.  

*If you are sick of taking more pills, there are supplements that come in liquid, tinctures (under the tongue that gets rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream), powder or even embedded in chocolate. That’s right, there are even keto friendly versions, even for the chocolate.

If you are interested in trying a chocolate Vitamin D supplement, please contact Dr. Gold at 813-379-7092. 


*Remember taking vitamins does not substitute eating healthy, exercising, hydrating well, and getting enough sleep and relaxation.

**The information above doesn’t constitute personal medical advice. Please consult with your health care provider for what you should be taking. If you don’t have one, Dr. Gold is accepting new patients www.dgoli.com.

Dr. Tanya Gold is a medical doctor and registered yoga teacher, who practices natural medicine and teaches yoga at the YMCA and online. She is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years and is an expert in the field of natural hormones and holistic medicine.  Her goal is to get YOU WELL LONGTERM & treat the ROOT cause of your ailment.



[1][1] https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/soil-depletion-and-nutrition-loss/

[2] https://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpao/division-information/media-tools/adults-fruits-vegetables.html

[3] https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/products/databriefs/db375.htm#:~:text=pizza%2C%20calories%2C%20NHANES-,What%20percentage%20of%20children%20and%20adolescents%20consumed%20fast%20food%20on,given%20day%20(Figure%201).


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