Understanding YOUR Self-Worth Part 1



Understanding YOUR Self-Worth Part 1


Do you realize how valuable you are?


Grandmaster Steve had us watch an inspiring video by Trent Shelton on self-worth.


Know there’s no one exactly like you in this world. You’re one of a kind, an original, more precious than any diamond. Even identical twins have different personalities, body types, hair, moles, or scars.


The chances of your parents meeting and having you is also quite small yet here you are. Realize there was no mistake or accident, you were meant to be here, and YOU are here for a purpose. Your creator planned it!


Furthermore, understand YOUR innate value comes from just being YOU. It doesn’t need to be earned by what you do, your rank or status, or how much money you make, or the home you live in, or the grades you receive. YOU are worthy regardless of these things.

But hear me, this doesn’t mean we don’t strive to be the BEST Person we can be.  Always working towards our Blackbelt excellence, making progress, getting good grades, and becoming the best version of ourselves.

Also realize we don’t need other people to validate our worth. Do it to yourself and accept and love everything about YOU, including your strengths and weaknesses.

That’s the easiest way to FREE YOURSELF from limiting beliefs and feeling that you are not enough, because YOU ARE!

You don’t need other people to like or accept you, to love and accept YOURSELF! Some people won’t understand why you are practicing or studying so hard (for Krav or school or work).

But that doesn’t matter. Don’t lower your standards to make someone else feel better.

Surround yourself with folks who uplift YOU. That’s why I feel so blessed to have our empowering Krav family.

Lastly don’t compare YOUR worse day to someone’s best day. It’s easy to do on social media or in Krav class.

I know because I have done it many times. Instead recognize we are all unique with our own special gifts and there are things we all need to work through (even though it may not seem like that for some).

And if you ask, “is this right” and get NO for an answer, recognize this can mean Never-ending Opportunity to make improvements. Yes, Practice to make Progress!

Many blessings and Happy Holidays. 

With warmest wishes, Dr. Gold Dr. Gold's Optimal Living Institute

P.S. Check out these cherished holiday Wellness gifts to show you truly care,


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