3 Simple Steps to Manage Burnout (without Valium)


3 Simple Steps to Manage Burnout (without Valium)

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Overworked? And exhausted? 

Do you feel like you reached your tipping point?

I did! Thankfully, I recognized it and took positive action, instead of falling apart, and having a nervous breakdown.  

What threw me almost over the edge was not sleeping, because of a crazy cough and trying to DO too many things! Like my dad always said, “Don’t try to wear too many hats.”

And my patient reminded me, “Dr. Gold, you can’t be sick!”

What Can YOU DO when you reach your limit? Grandmaster Steve did a great podcast on this.

Remember the 3 R’s:

1.   Recognize what is going on and remember YOU have the Power to do something about it.

2.   Respond instead of reacting. What can you do to improve the situation? Or maybe NOT Do? What is a game plan that will serve you? Do you need a mentor, coach, therapist, trainer, or physician (or maybe all the above)?

3.   Relax- know that it will all work out. It always does, and that you’ll be OK.  A tough season doesn’t mean it will stay that way. Winter is always followed by Spring, where things start to BLOOM again! 




For me I started doing a lot more yoga, deep breathing and stretching. I also used this time to reflect and get closer to nature.


I also planned a yoga retreat at Yogaville. For less than $100 a night I get my own room, three healthy meals a day, with daily yoga classes and meditation.


Please share a story of how you (or someone you know) handled burnout, for a FREE ticket to our Holistic Health Summit (goes to the first 5 people who respond). Simply email Summit@dgoli.com with your story and use subject “Winner”.


We’re excited to announce our 1st annual Holistic Health Summit where Grandmaster Steve will be a keynote speaker. 

We will be discussing cutting edge holistic medical treatments, including those being used by professional athletes. 


Drew and I, along with several other respected doctors (Dr. Demers and Dr. Rhee) and world-renowned pediatrician Dr. Berger will be speaking. Excited for you to be there. 

Use this special promo code GOLD50 by Jan 8th 2023 for a 50% discount or if you would like to volunteer email us at summit@dgoli.com.

        Happy New Year! With warmest wishes, Dr. Gold



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