What is Holistic Medicine?


What is Holistic Medicine?

(Versus Traditional Medicine)

Some examples:





Happy Holidays!


Dr. Tanya Gold is a medical doctor and registered yoga teacher, who practices natural medicine and teaches yoga at the YMCA and online. She is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years and is an expert in the field of natural hormones and holistic medicine. 


Upcoming Events with Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute

Promo code: DGoli25 (for 25% off)


Spa Day With Dr. Gold and Erica (Multiple Dates)

Includes Massage, Gentle Stretch & Snacks

Held at Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute

2901 W Busch Blvd, Suite 604 in Twin Lakes Office Park

Tampa, FL 33618



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