One Simple Step to Quit Smoking


One Simple Step to Quit Smoking

One of my patients JT recently quit smoking using cinnamon sticks. 


Several patients told me they have successfully quit this way


Cinnamon sticks have a nice strong scent and taste. You can put one between your fingers and in your mouth and breathe deeply. 


I have some patients, who put their cinnamon sticks in their old carton of cigarettes, and pretend they’re smoking a real cigarette. 


1-800-quit now is a great hotline to help you quit smoking if you’re having trouble. 


Not smoking and choosing life is ideal, but you can also cut back and take it slow. What I call baby steps. 


Remember doing something for your health every day is always better than doing nothing. 


With Warmest wishes, Dr. Gold


Dr. Tanya Gold, MD is board-certified in family medicine and holistic medicine and is a registered yoga teacher. She is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute (aka D’Goli), and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Audio book coming soon!  Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years and is an expert in the field of natural pain relief and holistic medicine. Remember YOUR HEALTH MATTERS!

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