
Showing posts from May, 2022

Conscious Parenting: What is It and Should YOU Be Practicing It?

  Conscious Parenting: What is It and Should YOU Be Practicing It? I don't know a harder job then being a good parent. You can't determine what kind of child you will have, and they will test you at times.   Even if they're a model kid, you still have the challenge of setting a good example and figuring out the balance between giving them too much freedom and not enough? How do we keep them safe, yet still give them the opportunity to explore and seek adventure in life?   OK so what is compassionate parenting? Unlike some parenting styles that teach the parents how to train their children to behave or give them specific punishment techniques to help ‘fix’ the problem, compassionate parenting is about formulating a more productive interaction with your child. It looks at the parent’s mindset and how this determines their ability to make better choices.   Dr. Tsabury Shefali, a clinical psychologist is a leading expert in this field and the author of “C...

Do I Really Need Lab Testing?

  Do I Really Need Lab Testing? As I alluded to in my last blog , “YOU CAN FEEL FINE and NOT BE FINE!” Just think of someone who suffered from a heart attack (and was not in the hospital) because they felt fine the day before. That’s why I recommend early marker testing. It can identify HOW YOUR BODY is functioning and help YOU become Proactive in your healthcare. Instead of Waiting for Disease, Why NOT Prevent it! There are many labs out there, so I will discuss my go to’s. This is in addition to ordering traditional baseline labs (i.e., cbc, cmp, lipid, and tsh). If you’re worried about cost, many have come down in prices, and if you have insurance some are fully covered. Furthermore, for those who don’t like to get their blood drawn or they are a hard stick, there are options for checking urine, saliva, stool or doing it via a fingerstick. This is great for kids. Preventive Lab Tests 1. GI effects profile - Gut test to check your microbiome (bacteria, fungi and vir...

What to Eat for Weight Loss?

  What to Eat for Weight Loss? Have you tried to lose weight and failed miserably? Or more than likely you lost weight but couldn’t maintain it long term (>5 years), maybe even gained MORE weight than where you started. Nevertheless, know there’s HOPE and YOUR HEALTH is so much more than just what you weigh. It’s about how your body is functioning. Remember you can feel fine and NOT BE FINE! That’s why a person may NOT be in the hospital when they initially have a heart attack, because they didn’t feel bad the day before. Of course, if you feel bad, get evaluated sooner, rather than later! I’ve had patients with extremely high blood pressure and/or blood sugar that didn’t even know it. That’s why it’s so important to get early marker testing to monitor that your body is FUNCTIONING WELL (more on this next week). These objective studies can also help YOU maintain a healthy weight. It’s not just what YOU eat, but what YOUR Body Absorbs. What to EAT & NOT to Eat...

7 Habits of Extremely Happy People (Beginning chapters)

  Fr “This book is a free pass to unleashing the child within and recognizing you don’t have to have a reason to smile and giggle.”   -- Dr. Madan Kataria MD, Founder and author of “Laughter Yoga”     “Dr. Gold is the embodiment of spiritual healing…. Her work will help us all live healthier, more love-driven lives.”   -- Sharon Brous, TED Talk speaker, author and nationally renowned Rabbi     “This book is such a gift. It will help you reclaim your joy and find your gratitude. Tanya climbed out of her own dark place and brings with her the flashlight that will help us all seek our own happiness.”   -- Dara Resnik, Screenwriter, co-creator of the TV series Home Before Dark     “Dr. Tanya Gold proves that the saying ‘Laughter is the best medicine’ is so true in this amazing book. Filled with inspiring stories as well as practical steps, it is a must for any...