How to Calm Anxiety
Life can seem to come at you at whirlwind speeds with so many things on your plate and seemingly very little time to get it all done. You may even wonder where did the day go? Remember, distraction is the enemy to getting results! Instead give yourself permission to take a time out. In a relaxed state, you use less energy and are better able to FOCUS. I find after this practice of deep relaxation (especially first thing in the morning); I can finish important tasks more efficiently and feel happier for the rest of the day. And if something doesn’t go right, I can handle it better. The way this simple exercise works is through slow deep breathing, which calms the nervous system and activates the alpha brain waves. This can lead to profound calmness and a wonderful sense of mental wellbeing. But don’t take my word for it, try it out . Remember the longer and more consistent you are with this practice, the better the results. This can also help improve your B...