11 Natural Ways to Lower Cholesterol
11 Natural Ways to
Lower Cholesterol
1.Omega 3 Fatty Acids (ie fish oil, vegan
version DHA)
2.Red Yeast Rice
3.Plant stanols
4.Fiber -The American Heart Association recommends 25-30grams of fiber daily. Work up to this, as I had a patient increase to this amount in 1 day when she didn't eat much fiber. It can make you very gassy and in her case made for an interesting date!
Remember soluble fiber ie apples, beans, barley and oats can absorb water like a sponge and bulk up the stool and lower cholesterol. Insoluble fiber like kale helps move the stool along.
6.Move Daily. Doing Something is
always better than nothing!
Include strength training at least 3 times a
week. Even kicking your legs
and shaking your arms in a recliner acts as movement.
7.Eat (and drink) nutrient dense foods and beverages.
For example, consume at least 5
servings of fruits and vegetables (include some dark greens) per day, (one serving is the palm of your hand). Use Miracle Berry by Richberry (which naturally sweetens sour food), if the food tastes bitter to you. Limit processed food.
8.Drink water with electrolytes.
9.Limit alcohol, which can cause
excess calories, and make you fat.
10.Sprinkle in grounded flaxseed, and chia seeds
to get some more fiber, as they are both
good for increasing your energy and lowering
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Dr. Tanya
Gold, MD is board-certified in family medicine and holistic medicine and is a
registered yoga teacher. She is the proud owner of Dr.
Gold’s Optimal Living Institute (aka D’Goli), and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Audio book coming soon! Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20
years and is an expert in the field of natural pain relief and holistic
medicine. Remember YOUR HEALTH MATTERS!
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