How to Relieve Pain Long Term & Naturally


How to Relieve Pain Long Term & Naturally

Our body is connected (as you know!), but when we see a traditional doc, they may only focus on the specific body part for which you are having a problem.

For example, when I saw my neurosurgeon for neck pain, they only looked at my neck.

I have a history of many ankle sprains. Once I addressed strengthening my ankles, which I never thought to do because they didn't hurt, my neck pain improved.

The chiropractor explained my "weak ankles likely turned in my hips and shoulders, which likely affected my neck". Once I strengthened my ankles and stretched my hips and shoulders more, my neck pain improved (without the surgery).

I've seen many patients with knee pain where the cause of the their pain was related to tight hips or problems with their feet (which they told me was never addressed before).

The great part is they are improving and feeling better and are not taking their pain medicines any longer (e.g. Tylenol, Advil, Aspirin, etc).

Advil (like other NSAIDS ie Motrin, Aleve, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam, Voltaren, Toradol can lead to ulcers, weaken the immune system, lead to a heart attack and stroke, delay wound healing (not great if you're taking it for an injury) and cause kidney damage.

Tylenol (i.e. acetaminophen) can also cause liver damage when used over long periods of time (think of how many years you have been taking acetaminophen).

I get why people take the medications...they work for pain. They are convenient and cheap, but at what price!

The concern is you can build tolerance and then you keep needing more and more, which can cause more harm. The great part is there are natural alternatives, like turmeric (high dose or can use topically), fish oil bromelain etc. I would be happy to discuss options with you.

You may also unknowingly aggravate a condition by sitting or driving for long periods of time. The good news is that my approach can help you feel better in the long run.

You can start evaluating your own body, looking for the root cause of what's ailing you.

I'm here to assist YOU if you need my help.

The best part is you can achieve long-term improvement.

Remember, you're a shining light in this world. YOU MATTER, and You're Enough. You deserve Great Health.

With warmest wishes, Dr. Gold


Dr. Tanya Gold, MD is board-certified in family medicine and holistic medicine and is a registered yoga teacher. She is the proud owner of Dr. Gold’s Optimal Living Institute (aka D’Goli), and author of 7 Habits of Extremely Happy People. Audio book coming soon!  Dr. Gold has been in practice for over 20 years and is an expert in the field of natural pain relief and holistic medicine. Remember YOUR HEALTH MATTERS!

 To get your FREE book intro click here.

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